Friday 1 January 2010

Good Riddance Day

I'll be honest, I don't like new year's, the idea I have to be joyful that a) I'm older and b) I have to be happy at 12:00am on the dot when some over enthusiastic drunk cops a feel, is frankly beyond my happiness ability. Yet I came across this article on 'Good Riddance Day' and thought it to be a great idea:
It's time to line to up to say goodbye to everything from disappointing report cards to CDs with a song you never wanted to hear again to fattening foods you've sworn to renounce – anything with a bad memory from the previous year. A dumpster will be available for those un-shreddable items, and a sledgehammer will be on-hand to pulverize all those bad memories away. (read more)
I'm drawn not just to the idea of wielding a sledgehammer, but the idea of symbolically ridding yourself of memories, thoughts etc, that mark 2009 negatively. So thought I'd give it a go, the picture above is my good riddance to bad rubbish for year new. I can confirm it was very therapeutic, I would highly recommend shredding, tearing and smashing 2009 away.

Very happy new year to you all, may this year bring you happiness in whatever form that takes.

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