Friday 19 June 2009

Brown Signalling U-Turning on Iraq Inquiry

Only three days after saying the inquiry into Iraq would be held behind closed doors. Brown is opening the doors slightly, while pretending he never said anything as awful as it would be held in private. Quietly passing the buck to Sir John Chilcot heading the inquiry, by saying it was up to Chilcot to consider how the precise format of the inquiry should be structured.

It does make you wonder if Brown or Labour think anything through before making statements. All of this could have been avoided by talking to a broader range of people. Having an inner circle may protect you, but when you're only talking to each other it limits your greater understanding.

There is still however no mention that the Iraq inquiry will cover the torture allegations surrounding the government. Philipe Sands QC has written an article that outlines what is known against international law. It concerns me that this government not only may have been complicit in torture, but they may still be. As Churchill succinctly said:
the use of instruments of torture can never be regarded by any decent person as synonymous with justice.
Surely if "lessons are to be learnt" how intelligence is obtained, given not only it's legal ramification, both in ability to prosecute and our obligations under international law. But also wider influence on foreign policy and moral standing, shouldn't just be swept under the carpet.

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